“A Century in the Sky” Exhibit displayed in Fall 2021 at the Minneapolis/St. Paul International airport Concourse C,

Photo Credit: Arts@MSP | Youa Vang
PIONEER PRESS — Minnesota’s Air National Guard: A century in the sky [01/17/2021] — 109th Airlift Squadron hits its federal centennial mark [02/12/2021]
KSTP.COM — After 50 years, Minnesota Air National Guard's C-130 still flying strong [02/12/2021]
WCCO - Minnesota's 133rd Airlift Wing celebrates its 100th anniversary in 2021 -- and their working to document a century in the sky. [09/13/2019]
ABC - The 133rd Airlift Wing celebrates 100 years [ 09/26/2020]
KSTP.COM — Minnesota Air National Guard celebrates a century in the sky. [01/16/2021]